Thursday, July 5, 2012

Winner of the Pretty Amy Ebook Giveaway

Pretty Amy

You know, either no one has a truly bad prom story except me, or they have prom stories so extraordinarily bad that they don't want to talk about it. I'm actually going to go ahead and assume that mine ranks up there pretty high in bad prom experiences. I didn't even tell the whole story- it's actually worse. Yes, worse than my (then) boyfriend threatening to kill my friend. I kind of laughed that off- even if my friend didn't.

My (then) boyfriend...well, let's just say he was a lazy dating episode. I started dating him because one of my best friends was dating his friend, so...since I was on a "break" with my (then) fiance and didn't feel like actually dating, we just started dating because we were always around each other anyway because our friends were dating each other. So, a short time after prom my friend comes to me and tells me that my "boyfriend" is leaving the state- for a variety of reasons. One was that he was getting close to getting charged for attempted murder. Umm...thanks friend. You know who you are and you will just have to deal with the fact that you are the worst matchmaker ever.

Here's a scene from "Pretty in Pink", just because.

The Winner (picked through is:
Maddisonnnn @ moosubi reviews!
Maddison, please contact me at 365.books.a.year(at)gmail(dot)com within 48 hours and let me know your email address and which bookseller to get the book from.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, have tagged you for the same thing.


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